Ready…Steady…Bananas! Doonbank Trofee Update
False start. Entry for the 2017 Doonbank Trofee Cyclocross event, round 2 of the Super Quaich Series, was scheduled to open at 19:01 this evening – 01/12/2016.
We expected the event to be a popular ‘hot-ticket’, and indeed it has been with over 200people trying to get a space in the opening minutes!
Unfortunately, due to some rogue coding on the Entry Central site, people have been unable to pay for their entry.
We are working with Ian at Entry Central and have been assured that:
no payments will be taken for any failed payments (even if it says so on your entrant’s mini-statements)
Please do not attempt to enter the event again before Monday.
We have a list of people who entered on the system but their payment failed. We have asked to honour these spaces and Entry Central will send out an payment invitation email on Friday night. This will give you the chance to confirm your place in the event with a link to pay. This link will be time-limited for 48hrs.
Please note, often this email will go to your spam or junk account, so if you are expecting to receive an email check your spam/junk accounts.
If there are any remaining spaces we will open up entries via the Entry Central system again.
Of course we are all disappointed, frustrated, sad, etc etc. However, we’d like to say thanks to Ian at Entry Central for responding immediately when we raised the issue. Ayr Burners use Entry Central for a variety of our events and online subscriptions due to the simplicity and quality of the service. Tonight’s glitch simply shows how much we rely on the service, and how valuable off-line support is!
Are you expecting a payment invitation?
The following riders were recorded on Entry Central and all will receive a payment invitiation. Apologies if your name is not on here and you feel it should be. Once everyone has had a chance to accept their payment invitiation we will reopen entry and waiting lists again on Sunday night.