New Group Ride Guidelines
You’ll probably have seen the new set of cycling guidelines that were issued by Cycling Scotland for club activities. These mean we’re now allowed up to 30 riders, and a Club Covid contact/coordinator is now mandatory.
JP and Jo will jointly take on the coordinator job, ensure a log is kept of who attends the club ride, keep everyone up to speed with any changes to guidelines, and be the primary contact should the need arise.
If JP or Jo can’t attend the club ride, then attendance details will be logged by either Duncan or Donald. Given previous experience of managing large groups on the road, we feel that smaller groups is the preferred option for the time being. Average attendance is probably 16 to 20, so two groups will likely be formed before the grand depart.
If anyone’s contact details have changed since joining the club then please let us know. As ever, we’re always happy to see new faces, but we’ll need to collect names and contact details before we set off.
Yesterday (29th August) saw the first Saturday ride under the revised guidelines, with a great turnout – as the picture above shows. 25 is too many for a single group, but the split worked well, and both groups arrived back at the Coo Shed relatively close together. There were no dramas apart from Sharon’s gunshot puncture, so we’ll continue with this format for the foreseeable future.
See you next Saturday …..